Economic indicators

Nominal amount of GDP

The gross domestic product represents the sum of produced goods and services over a given period of time (usually one year) in a national economy. The gross domestic product represents the sum of population’s consumption, investment, government’s consumption and differences between exports and imports. The nominal gross domestic product is calculated at current (market) prices of products and services.

Source: Statistical Office of Montenegro (Monstat)

Total nominal amount of GDP for :

Real growth

The gross domestic product represents the sum of produced goods and services over a given period of time (usually one year) in a national economy. The gross domestic product represents the sum of population consumption, investment, government consumption and differences between exports and imports. Real gross domestic product is calculated on the basis of constant prices, thus eliminating the influence of inflation.

Source: Statistical Office of Montenegro (Monstat)

Total real growth for :



Inflation is a rise in the price level in the country. Expressed in percentages.

Source: Statistical Office of Montenegro (Monstat)

Annual inflation rate at the end of :


Unemployment rate

Unemployment rate represents the ratio of the number of unemployed and active population.

Source: Employment Survey, Statistical Office of Montenegro (Monstat)

Unemployment rate for :


Average wage - net

Average earnings data show earnings paid in a month. Average earnings are calculated by dividing the amount of paid earnings by the number of employees who received the earnings in that month.

Source: Statistical Office of Montenegro (Monstat)

Average salary for :

Average pension

Monthly cash benefits and other benefits to which an individual acquires the right to on the basis of insurance in the case of old age, disability and death, under the conditions laid down by law. The law regulating the area of pensions in Montenegro is the Law on Pension and Disability Insurance.

Source: Pension and Disability Fund of Montenegro

Average pension for :

Foreign Trade Balance (deficit)% of GDP

Foreign trade balance is the difference between the import of a country and its exports for a certain period of time. Foreign trade balance represents the largest component of the country’s balance of payments.

Source: Statistical Office of Montenegro (Monstat)

Foreign Trade Balance for :


Net inflow of FDI %GDP

Foreign direct investment is a form of investment where a foreign investor secures the right to property, control and management of the firm in which funds are invested to achieve a long-term economic interest. Net inflow of FDI represents the difference between total inflow and outflow of FDI.

Source: CBCG

Net inflow of FDI for :


Budget revenues

Budget revenues include:

  1. current revenues (taxes, contributions, fees, concessions and other revenues);
  2. asset sales;
  3. loan repayments;
  4. donations and transfers;
  5. loans and credits (domestic and foreign);
  6. other revenues, in accordance with the Law on Budget and Fiscal Responsibility

Source: Ministry of Finance

Total revenues for :

Budget expenditures

Budget expenditures include:

  1. current expenditures for: gross earnings and contributions on behalf of the employer, other personal incomes, expenditure on materials and services, maintenance, interest, rent, subsidies, etc;
  2. transfers for social protection;
  3. transfers to institutions, individuals, non-governmental and the public sector;
  4. capital expenditures for procurement and maintenance of financial and nonfinancial assets;
  5. loans and credits;
  6. repayment of debts, guarantees and obligations from previous years;
  7. other payments, in accordance with the Law on Budget and Fiscal Responsibility.

Source: Ministry of Finance

Total Expenditures for :

Deficit / Surplus

The methodology for calculating the budget cash result was amended by the Law on Amendments to the Law on Budget and Fiscal Responsibility ("Official Gazette of Montenegro" 055/18) in the part of excluding expenditures for the purchase of securities marked as financing transactions from 2018. therefore data related to the budget cash result since 2018. do not correspond to data from previous years.

Total surplus / deficit for :

Deficit %GDP

The budget surplus or deficit represents the difference between revenues and expenditures, with borrowings, received transfers and incomes from the sale of assets subtracted from revenues, and payments for principal rates in the country and abroad based on debt arising from borrowing or issuance of securities subtracted from expenditures.

Source: Ministry of Finance

Total surplus / deficit for :


Public Debt %GDP

Public debt represents the debt of central and local level, ie the general level of the state. The central level of the state are state bodies and state administration bodies, legal entities and companies that mainly provide services of public interest, which are under the control and largely financed by the state. Local level represent the bodies of municipalities, legal entities and companies that mainly provide services of local interest and are under the control of the municipality and largely financed by it.

Source: Ministry of Finance

Total public debt for :
